Hello.  I have another Emmett update.

Emmett rode 89 miles today.  From Delta, UT, to a place just across the border into Nevada.  He said it is just “a stop in the road” a place to lay his head.  
He travelled 2,700 in elevation.  19 or so came in one 8 mile stretch towards the end of the day.  Emmett then biked 20 miles to where he is currently staying.
Emmett said there is a “whole lot of nothing, stark and empty”.  Ten miles west of Delta, he would see one car in his lane and not see another car for five or six more miles.  Maybe that is why it is called The Loneliest Road in America?  
The weather has been nice – cloudy tho but temperatures have been ideal.  His face is still swollen but not as bad.  His feet – painful and makes it difficult sometimes.
Pictures will be posted soon.  Oh my gosh – not of his feet please!